Better Than Before Signed Book Set
Habits are the invisible architecture of daily life. In Better Than Before, Gretchen Rubin’s New York Times bestselling book about habit change, the author outlines 21 strategies we can use to make or break our habits. No one-size-fits-all solution exists to build daily habits—you must know yourself, and choose the strategies that work for you.
The Don’t Break the Chain Habit Tracker and Tackle Box are tools designed to help you use the strategies in Better That Before to build the habits that make you happier. The Habit Tracker offers flexibility and structure to visualize your progress in different ways, and the Tackle Box includes 5 sticky pads with a variety of approaches to your daily to-do list.
- Better Than Before signed book
- Don’t Break the Chain Habit Tracker
- Tackle Box
If buying as a gift
Use one of these printable gift message cards to go along with your purchase from The Happiness Project store.